Essential Lives Set 1

Essential Lives introduces the people who have shaped the world, impacted humanity, and changed the course of history

Format Price Qty
Title ATOS Format Qty
Essential Lives Set 1 (6 titles)
Abraham Lincoln: 16th U.S. President 7.7
Benjamin Franklin: The Inventive Founding Father 7.4
Harriet Tubman: Engineer of the Underground Railroad 6.8
Leonardo da Vinci: The Famed Renaissance Man 6.8
Thomas Edison: American Inventor 7.2
Wright Brothers: Inventing Flight for Man 7.5
Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Dewey 621.3092-973.7092
ATOS Reading Level 6.8-7.7
Accelerated Reader® Points 2.0-3.0
Guided Reading Level
Copyright 2008
Number of Pages 112
Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
Graphics 1-color illustrations, Full-color illustrations
Publisher Abdo Publishing
Imprint Essential Library
ISBN 9781599288383
Format Reinforced Hardcover