Cool World Cooking

Give up-and-coming chefs a chance to explore the foods of the world! This international series introduces readers to world geography and authentic, easy-to-make recipes that taste great. Cooking teaches kids about food, math and measuring, and following directions. Each kid-tested recipe includes step-by-step instructions and how-to photos. Tools and ingredients lists are also provided, as well as pronunciation guides when needed. So grab an apron and prepare for a tasty adventure! Checkerboard Library is an imprint of ABDO Publishing Company.

Format Price Qty
Title ATOS Format Qty
Cool World Cooking (4 titles)
Cool African Cooking: Fun and Tasty Recipes for Kids
Cool Chinese & Japanese Cooking: Fun and Tasty Recipes for Kids
Cool Italian Cooking: Fun and Tasty Recipes for Kids
Cool Mexican Cooking: Fun and Tasty Recipes for Kids
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 4
Dewey 641.5945-641.5972
ATOS Reading Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Guided Reading Level O-P
Copyright 2011
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 8 x 8
Graphics Full-color photographs
Publisher Abdo Publishing
Imprint Checkerboard Library
ISBN 9781617146572
Format Reinforced Hardcover