En el parque de atracciones (Amusement Park Rides)

Amusement park rides are amazing in every way. They are exciting, colorful, and have unbelievable and interesting histories. Readers will love looking at both the historical and bold, modern photographs, while learning about these rides and what makes them go! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

Format Price Qty
Title ATOS Format Qty
En el parque de atracciones (Amusement Park Rides) (5 titles)
Tiovivos (Carousels) 2.8
Norias (Ferris Wheels) 2.5
Atracciones interactivas (Interactive Rides) 2.7
Montañas rusas (Roller Coasters) 2.7
Atracciones acuáticas (Water Rides) 2.7
Interest Level
Reading Level
Dewey 791.068
Lexile 540L-600L
ATOS Reading Level 2.5-2.8
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level K-M
Copyright 2019
Number of Pages
Publisher Abdo Kids Spanish
Imprint Abdo Kids Jumbo
ISBN 9781532183799
Format Reinforced Hardcover