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The lore has existed for centuries, passed on and reinterpreted through generations as folktales, and urban legends--stories of uncontrollable beasts, disguised remnants of an ancient evil awaiting its chance to bring ruin upon the world. Now Nathaniel Wallace and Riley McKnight will learn the truth about werewolves and the secret order tasked with keeping them peaceful and hidden. Through differing beliefs and ideologies that threaten this balance, the friends must decide if co-existence is possible.
The story is good, not just young-adult good, but fully-matured good. I felt very fortunate to have the entire series at the ready because I did not want to pause, and upon completing one book I found myself immediately reaching for the next one. Manoa has found his storytelling voice in this series and his craft is fully refined. The books have a unique style and the descriptions are almost cinematic in nature. It is as if Manoa is mentally watching a movie and capturing the action on paper – a screenplay turned prose. This voice lends an extremely vivid visual feel to the story and places the reader in the center of the action.
…as adults we all contribute to the continuing evolution of our Rousseauian social contract. To do so thoughtfully and responsibly, we must ask ourselves, “What is safety and what is freedom?” and what equilibrium between them should we strive for? Werewolf Council provides an engaging framework for young adults to approach these complex moral dilemmas.
—Werewolf Council – Pop Mythology