New Baby

Ana & Andrew are expecting a sibling! The family is very excited. Mama's family arrives from Trinidad, and everyone helps to get ready. When the baby arrives, Ana & Andrew learn from Granny that in African American culture, a baby's name often tells an important story. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Calico Kid is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey E
Lexile 590L
ATOS Reading Level 2.7
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level
Copyright 2020
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
Publisher Magic Wagon
Imprint Calico Kid
ISBN 9781532136382, 9781532136986, 9781532137280, QM6382
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, Read-to-Me eBook, QR Bundle

Author: Christine Platt

Illustrator: Bianda, Junissa