El Príncipe Rana y la zoologa (The Frog Prince and the Zoologist) |
Rapunzel y su cabello despeinado (Rapunzel and Her Messy Hair) |
Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstiltskin) |
Blancanieves y el concurso de tartas de manzana (Snow White and the Apple Pie Contest) |
Los Tres Cabritos Billy Blof (Three Billy Goats Bluff) |
Las Tres Cerditas y el Gran Lobo Dulce (The Three Little Pigs and the Big Sweet Wolf) |
The Frog Prince and the Zoologist |
Rapunzel and Her Messy Hair |
Rumpelstiltskin |
Snow White and the Apple Pie Contest |
Three Billy Goats Bluff |
The Three Little Pigs and the Big Sweet Wolf |